
Yoshine Helicopters Milestone

“Helicopters for Everybody”



In the 1990s, Yoshine Helicopter Company started to develop a type of safe and economical "Helicopters for Everybody" trying to fulfill the dream of flying to work of the 1950's.   

1990年代,祐祥直升飛機公司計劃開發一款安全、經濟的 “全民直升機”,以實現50年代美國人通勤上下班的夢想。

By 1992, the first such "Everybody's Helicopter" was purchased by an engineering professor from the University of California, UCLA, who used it as an aerial commuting vehicle from his suburban hilltop home near Los Angeles to school, saving hours of driving every working day.  

到了1992 年,第一架這樣的「全民直升機」被加州大學洛杉磯分校的一位工程學教授買去,作為他在洛杉磯郊區山頂上住家的空中飛行載具,每個工作天為他節省了幾小時的駕駛時間。

The first such an Everybody's Helicopter (picture below) was sold from Taiwan in 1992.

254 in crate

1992年台灣祐祥公司外銷的第一款 “全民直升機”

By 1994, the first advanced personal helicopter was debuted at the Florida "EAA Sun-n-Fun Airshow", demonstrating its mobility and amazing "Autorotation" capabilities for safe landing with simulations of engine quits  from 10 to 25 feet above the ground.  

1994年先進的的祐祥全民直升機,在美國佛羅里達州的 “EAA Sun-n-Fun 航空展” 首次亮相,公開展示全民直升飛機令人驚嘆的“自動旋轉”安全著陸的能力,即使引擎在離地只有4至8公尺的高度熄火,也能安全著陸,受到歐、美、紐、澳、日、及印度人士的驚喜,開始外銷。 

Helicopters For Everybody with an Incredible Safety Feature

“Autorotation" is an inherent characteristics and capability of a “helicopter”, as demonstrated by a bamboo-copter:


Once you've learned and mastered the real helicopter autorotation procedure, you will be able to land a helicopter even when engine should stop at a height as low as 10 to 25 feet!

Autorotation capability is what makes helicopters inherently safe, this is a SKILL you should learn, once you've learned and mastered the "autorotation" procedure, you are safe to fly.

Ultrasport 254 helicopter

"Dimensions of Yoshine the UltraSport 254 Helicopters for Everybody"

「直升機」比「飛機」安全的優勢是:直升機不需 “跑道”,可以 “垂直起飛、下降”,沒有類似 “失速” 的現象、就像 ”竹蜻蜓“,只要保持 “旋轉” 的選擇力道,即使引擎 “熄火” 了,直升機也可保持緩轉下降,不會立即摔下。

固定翼飛機沒有 “自轉著陸” 功能,“失去動力”時,需保持 “向前滑行”,維持一定 “滑行速度” 以免 “失速” 摔下!

直升機飛行員一旦學得 “自轉著陸” 的技巧,即使引擎熄火,也可讓直升機安全著陸,即使只有3~8公尺高!

In 1996, Charles Lin was invited to the "Monte Carlo Yacht & Helicopter Show" where Prince Rainier of Monaco happened to have come personally to witness the Personal Helicopter presented locally by our European sales partner.  

254 monte carlo

1996年,祐祥歐洲代理參與 “蒙地卡羅遊艇/直升機展”,展出台灣的 “全民直升機”,林正祥到展覽現場特為 “雷尼爾親王” 介紹出口歐洲的台灣超輕 "全民直升機"(上圖)

Police 496

In 1999, our 2-seat helicopters were developed with the FAA approval as an “Ultralight Helicopter” trainer as well as "PoliceCopter" trainers for ZK customers.


496 Police Lin  police lin&wu

Ultrasport 496T Helicopter - Photo #1  Turbine Ultrasport helicopter

In 2002, with help from AIDC, Yoshine's first "Coaxial Unmanned Helicopter" took off in Taichung, Taiwan, and Yoshine was invited to exhibit the Coaxial Drive System (CDS) at the 2003 HeliTech in Duxford, UK.     

2002年在台中漢翔公司提供試飛場的協助下,祐祥首創載重百公斤的 "共軸無人直升機在台中起飛"。消息傳出英國 “HeliTech 2003” 特邀祐祥到英國展出 “共軸直升機傳動系統” 結構:  

cds 4 cds 


爾後美國科技雜誌刊登 “台灣共軸無人直升機 “EzyCopter” 為 “入侵英國” 報導如下:

And the Yoshine EzyCopter was reported as A star of the Helitech 2003 airshow under:

"Future Helicopters Invade England” as follows:

pm future helicopters


In 2003年,歐美立法『Light Sport Aircraft』輕型運動飛行器,簡稱『LSA』:目標為鼓勵已有汽車駕照的美國人,學習20個小時的飛行,就可考『私人飛行執照』。這種 “新思維” 讓 “LSA”『運動飛行』實質成為『全民飛行運動』的開始,奠定了歐美日傳統的“航空文化”成為『強國富民』的精神。 

2005年,祐祥在中科園區建築一棟「32米直徑/挑高16米」的 “黃金巨蛋”,目的是作為公司直升機的研發、設計、製造、展示及試飛中心。 

 img_6310 dome spark safari

dome ceiling

沒想到,如此“挑高無樑柱、內部空間寬廣” 的鋼筋水泥「巨蛋建築」,竟可省電高達90%!

dome 32m gold dome gold open ceremony

2006年外銷的「CDS共軸」系統「空中救護機 - AirAmbulance」成功在 “巴黎航展“ 展出 :

cds-paris 2009Paris-076

AirAmbulance 「空中救護直升機」解決了一般「救護車」到不了地區的「空中救援」問題。

Today, “Coaxial” have become the norm of Helicopters “Flight” Training as well:

今天,「共軸」已成直升機發展主流,共軸 ”培訓“直升機,因應而出:

coaxcopter lin








Introducing the coming of Swiss Made eZELOS CoaxCopters

For “Air TAXI、Air CARGO、Air AMBULANCE” Applications

With Electric Takeoff & Landing, Low Carbon Cruise, and Net Zero Future!

ezelos pad

Operating Costs and Safety Factors are Far Superior than other comparable eVTOL solutions


UASystems eZELOS Twin-Hybrid Air Taxi 同軸直升機概念藝術

A. AirTAXI “空中計程車”四人座:

Designed to carry four (4) passengers, including the pilot. Cruise: 280 km/hr. Range: 500 kms. Hover Ceiling: 3,000 meters.  

設計可載運四人,包括1名司機,以時速 “280公里”,航程 “500公里”,載到任何合法降落地方。

B. AirCargo “空中小貨車” “載重五百公斤”:

Payload 500 kgs.  Cruise: 280 km/hr.  Range: 500 kms.  Ceiling: >3,000 m.  

可載貨 “500公斤”,時速 “280公里”,航程 “500公里”,飛行高度大於 “3000公尺”。

C. AirAmbulance “空中救護車” 四人座、病患兩名、或醫療器官:

Emergency Transport up to 3 persons to Emergency Hospitals.                  


Advantages of「eZELOS」Twin Hybrid Coax Copter


1. Proven Coaxial Helicopter Technology / 成熟的 "共軸直升機" 技術

2. Max.Continuous HP / 最大的持續馬力:515 kW / 700 HP

3. Goal for Future “Net Zero” Emission:未來淨零排放目標

4. Renewable and Sustainable Energy:可使用再生和可持續能源

5. Max. Cruise Speed up to 280kM/hr.:最高巡航時速達 280公里

6. Max. Payload up to 500kgs.: 最大載重量達 500公斤

7. Extended Range up to 500kms.:續航里程達 500公里

8. Stable “Autorotation” Ability in Strong Wind.:強風自轉著陸及穩定飛行能力 

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